Marriage Counseling
The television series "Bachelor" and "Bachelorette" are incredibly popular. It is a type of social experiment by ABC Television to see if their foundational principles of erotic love, sexual chemistry and appeal can produce healthy, meaningful, and sustained marriages. With minimal effort the statistics of their experiment can be found on the internet. As of the end of 2015 after 13 years and 30 seasons, the Bachelor(ette) {30 couples} has produced only 5 unbroken relationships. That is a 16% success rate. We are being sold a lie. The kinds of relational principles Bachelor(ette) espouses rarely have the happy ending we hope to see.
God is the author and creator of Marriage. He designed it with a very specific purpose in mind. As the original designer of marriage, God knows best how we should pursue and live out marriage.
Scripture has a great deal to say about Marriage. Marriage Counseling aims to take a hard look at Scripture and what God says produces a healthy marriage. We would love the opportunity to share with you the beautiful aspects of Marriage through the lens of Scripture.