Marriage Mentoring
““Every year 2.3 million couples get married and 1.2 million get divorced.””
When marriages are going right, life is pretty sweet. But sometimes making it work until “death do you part” or even the end of the week is a challenge. Every year 2.3 million couples get married and 1.2 million get divorced. Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott, authors of “Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts” asked a question – “What if there was a way to change all that through the local church?” The Parrott’s believe that the answer is to train up certified marriage mentors within the local church to address challenges faced by other couples.
We’d like to do that here at North Wake.
Marriage Mentoring is the pairing of Mentees with certified Marriage Mentors who will listen, walk alongside you, pray for you and let you in on how they navigated challenges inside their marriage.