G4 Groups
G4 groups provide a small group atmosphere where individuals invest a season of their life to overcoming a particular life-dominating struggle of sin or suffering. They provide a safe environment where members learn insights and skills that will allow them to more fully engage in biblical community. They are not meant to be long-term substitutes for missional small group community life.
Why the name “G4”?
"G" is for gospel-centered groups. Rather than making an issue, struggle, or sin the centerpiece of our groups, we strive to make the gospel of Christ the core of all our groups. Our identity is not found in an issue but in an individual—the person of Christ.
The "4" designates the four types of groups that will be featured:
Recovery: Groups for those struggling with a life-dominating sin, addiction, or traumatic life event (Pornography, Drug Addictions, Eating Disorders).
Support: Groups for those needing encouragement and support during a period of suffering or hardship (Typically, DivorceCare, GriefShare, Cancer Survivors).
Therapeutic educational: Groups for those needing information and/or resources about a specific life issue (Blended Family Parenting, Coping with Adoption Transitions).
Process: Groups for those needing help processing problematic emotions or multiple life stressors (Anger, Anxiety, Codependency, Depression).
How to Join?
Show up. There is no pre-registration required unless otherwise indicated below.
Get connected. You’ll fill out some basic paperwork when you arrive. One of our G4 team members will talk with you about what type of G4 group you’d like to join. They’ll explain the details of the group and help you get a feel for what to expect.
Check it out. After you’ve met with one of our team members, they’ll walk with you to the group you’ve decided to join. They’ll sit in the group with you for a bit just to help you feel comfortable. Don’t worry—you won’t be expected to tell your whole life story on the first night. We understand that you probably want a chance to check out the group first.
Get comfortable. During your first few weeks in the group, our group leaders will allow you to get comfortable and engage in the group at your own pace. They’ll explain the curriculum for the group as well as group expectations. We want you to have an opportunity to get to know the group leaders as well as the other group members. It’s natural to feel awkward the first few weeks because you don’t know anyone and they don’t know you.
Jump in. After your first few weeks, your group leaders will ask you to make a commitment to the group. They’ll give you the group’s curriculum and any other resources you need. At this point, you are committing with the group to journey together. You’re committing to come regularly to the group and to engage with other group members and also to begin working on yourself.
Time, Location and Different Groups?
Tuesdays, 6:15-8:15 p.m. North Wake Church Campus
We currently offer the following groups:
Men’s Purity
Marriage Betrayal
Substance Abuse
What Are The Core Values of a G4 Group?
Bible-based and Gospel-centered
Recognize the Difference Between Sin and Suffering
Built on Honesty and Transparency
Uphold Confidentiality
Avoid Struggle-based Identity
Blend Discipleship, Accountability, and a Guided Process
Transitions into Larger Small Group Ministry
What Are The Nine Steps of a G4 Group?
For those struggling with a life-dominating sin:
Step 1: Admit I have a struggle I cannot overcome without God.
Step 2: Acknowledge the breadth and impact of my sin.
Step 3: Understand the origin, motive, and history of my sin.
Step 4: Repent to God for how my sin replaced and misrepresented him.
Step 5: Confess to those affected for harm done, and seek to make amends.
Step 6: Restructure my life to rely on God’s grace and his Word to transform my life.
Step 7: Implement the new structure with humility and flexibility.
Step 8: Persevere in the new life and identity to which God has called me.
Step 9: Steward all of my life for God’s glory.
For those struggling through a period of life-altering suffering:
Step 1: Prepare myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually to face my suffering.
Step 2: Acknowledge the specific history and realness of my suffering.
Step 3: Understand the impact of my suffering.
Step 4: Learn my suffering story, which I used to make sense of my experience.
Step 5: Mourn the wrongness of what happened, and receive God’s comfort.
Step 6: Learn my gospel story by which God gives meaning to my experience.
Step 7: Identify goals that allow me to combat the impact of my suffering.
Step 8: Persevere in the new life and identity to which God has called me.
Step 9: Steward all of my life for God’s glory.